第25章 暴风雨前的平静

万佳丽·瑞安不着痕迹的抽回了自己的手,嫌弃的脸色一瞬间在脸上飘过,然后换了个笑脸,走到沙发坐下,说道:“Ruisi is a famous person, but your reputation is even more impressive than my husband's(瑞斯大人才是鼎鼎大名,您的名气可是比我老公还要更如雷贯耳)”


莉莉在一旁实在看不下去了,但她又不死心的看了看那扇紧闭的房门,走了过去拽了拽自己父亲的袖子,然后小声道:“Dad, what are you doing? We're not here today to make you chase after stars. Be careful, I'll tell Mom(爸爸,你在干嘛,我们今天来不是让你追星的,小心我告诉妈妈)”

男人闻言抖了一下,然后轻咳一声,来缓解自己的害怕,然后笑眯眯的说着:“Miss Ryan, I took the liberty of bringing my daughter here today to apologize to Young Master Ling and discuss further matters(瑞安小姐,今天我带着我女儿冒昧前来,是想来跟令公子道歉并商量一下后续事宜)”

女人歪着头思考了一会,说道:“Apologize, didn't you already say that? There are still follow-up matters, what is that?(道歉啊,那不早就道过了吗,还有后续事宜,那是什么?)”

男人继续说道:“You should also know about the two of them. If it hadn't been for this accident, they could have had a wedding, but now something like this has happened. I heard that there is a possibility of blindne,Our two families are both the same, and we value face very much. Matching family is the basic requirement. Now that he is like this, he is a bit superior to our Lily, but who makes our Lily highly emo,So even if he's like this, our family won't dislike him, but if you want to marry Lily, there are still some small conditions(您应该也知道他们俩的事情,如果没有这场事故,他俩就可以举行婚礼了,但现在却出了这样的事,我听说以后有可能会失明,我们两家都一样,是极看重脸面的,门当户对是基本的条件,现在他这样,是有点高攀我们家莉莉,但是谁让我们家莉莉是个极重感情的,所以就算他这样我们家也是不会嫌弃的,但是需要的是...)”


男人见女人也不反驳,也不顾女儿死拽的袖子继续说道:“It's actually quite simple. Recently, I heard that your pany has had some problems. Since both of us are going to bee in-laws, if your son can be our son-in-law and give me 30% of the shares,We agree to their matter and can also assist you(其实也很简单,我最近听闻贵公司出了点问题,既然我们两家都要成亲家了,如果你儿子可以当我家的上门女婿,并且能给我30%的股份,我们就同意他们的事,而且还能援助与你们)”


女人闻言轻蔑一笑,站起来走到他的面前,拿起玻璃杯把玩在手上,突然一个手腕用力,直直的泼在了他的脸上,然后略带不好意思的说着:“Ah, Mr. Reese, look at how sorry you are. You've been taking care of this child these past few days, and your hands are not at your disposal. I'm really sorry, but it's getting late now. You and her....(啊,瑞斯先生你看看多不好意思啊,这几天也光顾着照顾这个孩子了,手都不听使唤了,真是不好意思,不过现在时间也不早了,您和她...)”说着用手指了指莉莉,继续开口道:“You can go back now, and there's no need to e again in the future. After all, no one knows if your precious daughter will accidentally lose her temper and kill my son(可以回去了,以后也不必再来,毕竟谁也不知道你金贵的女儿会不会一不小心再发脾气,弄死我儿子)”然后就摆摆手,做了个请回的动作。

莉莉见状刚想说些什么,女人就推开门走了进去,莉莉见状跺了跺脚,正准备走,就在此时大门就被打开,一个娇小的身影印入会客室众人的眼帘,来人提着一大袋东西走了进来,眼睛环视了一周,见来人于是礼貌的点头问好,莉莉一见来人,就好似抓到救命稻草一般,走上前去欣喜开口道:“Brother Amber, you have finally returned. Your brother and I miss you so much that we got off the plane. We must be very tired. Your brother is resting, so why don't we e back later(amber弟弟,你终于回来了,我和你哥哥都好想你,才下飞机吗,一定很累吧,你哥在休息,要不我们等会再来)”说着好像她才是这里的主人一样。

楼子钰笑眯眯的轻轻点点头,一脸听话的样子,把东西放在茶几上,然后看着正要走的莉莉,说道:“Okay, Sister Lily, it's thanks to you for your brother's trouble. Without you, he wouldn't be lying so peacefully(好的,莉莉姐姐,哥哥的事可多亏你了,没有你他可不会这样的安心躺着)”



楼子钰一脸无辜的朝二人的的背影喊着:“Sister Lily, I hope I can see you often, inside instead of outside(莉莉姐姐,希望我能够常常看见你,在里面哦而不是在外面)”说着还指了指里面那个房间。


楼子钰笑着正要拿起东西进去,就见门口的保镖欲言又止好像要说些什么,楼子钰放下了手上的东西,走了过去,问道:“What happened between them just now(刚刚他们两来有什么事吗)”

保镖支支吾吾的说道:“Young master, we didn't actually hear it very clearly. It's just that we heard Mr. Reis say he dislikes the fact that the young master will bee blind in the future. If he still wants to marry MissIf he still wants to marry Miss Lily, he needs to exchange 30% of the shares and My wife seems very angry when I want the young master to be my son-in-law at the door(少爷,其实我们也没听太清楚,只是好像听到瑞斯先生说嫌弃大少爷以后会失明,如果他还想娶莉莉小姐就要拿30%的股份去交换,还要...要大少爷当上门女婿,太太好像很生气)”说完还有点偷听后的心虚,悄悄的看着楼子钰。


楼子钰沉思片刻,然后抬起一张笑眯眯的小脸说:“Thank you, I see. Curiosity killed the cat. Oh, be careful(谢谢,我知道了,还有好奇害死猫哦小心点)”说完还在他的肩膀上拍了拍,然后走了进去,关上门,在他正准备拿起东西时,一阵铃声响起,楼子钰从口袋摸出手机看了看,刚想挂掉,但突然想到了一件事,于是轻咳了一声,转换声音,接了电话

电话接起的一瞬间,那边就传来一阵低沉富有磁性的声音,道:“Baby, wele back. I miss you so much. Where are you now? I'll go find you right away(宝宝,欢迎回来,我想死你了,你现在在哪,我马上去找你)”说着那边还有起身椅子被带动的声音。